

Tissue Recipient

I write this message in honor of my donor and his/her family, to whom I am most grateful. Even as an intended organ donor myself, I had not thought of something like tendons being of possible benefit to others. Eyes, heart, and lungs sure, but a little foot tendon?

Just before my surgery, the doctor notified me about the availability of a donor tendon for my foot. This little tendon has been the difference in my living in a wheelchair or joining my grandkids for my first trampoline experience! This donation was huge for me! I had heard of post foot surgery issues and the thought of that frightened me, even though many of the problems result from the lack of patient cooperation.

I spent two months in bed recuperating after my surgery. Out of appreciation for my tendon donor I followed all doctor’s orders, kept my weight under control, and healed perfectly! I offer a sincere thank you to my donor and his/her family and encourage others to register as an organ, eye, and tissue donor.